Pre-Military Life Weston D. Eastman Weston F. and Weston D. Eastman Tower Hill, Lawrence, MA Neighborhood Club “The Rinky Dinks”. Wes Eastman top row, far left. The Eastman family home on Byron Avenue in the Tower Hill neighborhood of Lawrence, MA The Tower Hill Neighborhood in Lawrence, MA Tower Hill Wes Eastman Bruce School, Lawrence, MA Lawrence, MA High School Graduation Picture The first year in the new home. Weston F. and Rachael moved to Andover from Byron Ave, in Lawrence. “Eastman on Irving School Squad” 1936 Irving School Football Team, Tarrytown, NY. Wes Eastman is # 6, front row, far right Irving School Football Squad. Wes Eastman is in the back row, #6. University Hall, Brown University Lawrence High School Brown Acceptance Letter Local Boys Spend Summer at New York